I am headed to FL to meet up with a Godly group of people who have a heart to love people and trust God to open doors that would have otherwise stayed shut. We will meet in FL for a short time before heading to Utila, Honduras to open a coffee shop. The vision was given to a man and he took the time to pray over it, talk it through with his family and engage others in the vision. All of this was happening and I had no idea of it, until my phone rang a year ago and a stranger was on the other end. He explained that my name kept coming up regarding this vision because I have a love for people and I have had experience in the coffee business. At the time of his call, I had just began a new job and couldn't see how it would be possible. However, I tucked my hope away and the following 10 months unfolded His plan. Man can make their plans, but God orders our steps. So, to make a long story short for sake of time, I am part of a team going to Utila to start a coffee shop. The purpose of the vision is to love people and give them a place to hang out on the island.
God is answering my heart's desires from many years ago. Let this blog speak to you right where you are in your life. I am not writing to talk about how great my life is, but to testify of how good God is and how He loves us...if we can see and receive it! May these readings give you hope and make you smile!
Welcome to my adventure!