Thursday, September 16, 2010

His creation is everywhere

No matter where we go in this world we will undoubtedly find God's creation. The question is whether or not we can see it as His creation or sometimes do we get bugged by it. I am living on this little island in the Caribbean and the sites and surroundings are absolutely beautiful. I could post all the beautiful pictures of the beaches, palms, boats, etc. Or I could mix it up a bit and post some pictures of the rest of His creation here which some people might not be able to handle living with. 

Leftside: These banana spiders are everywhere. They usually reside a tad bit higher than the normal human height and they love to be near, you guessed it, banana trees. Up close, they are a magnificent display of His creation. 

Rightside: This little iguana strolls through our yard and he is one of three that we feed our compost to. I caught him on the hibiscus plant outside the boathouse. If we don't feed the iguanas then they will eat all the beautiful greenery. 

Several times a week I will take a golf-cart ride up to the airport with Edith and Jeanne. This particular night we encountered lots of pregnant crabs making their way across the runway. If you look closely, the pack of brown between her pinchers are thousands of little crab eggs. She, along with all the other pregnant mama's are going to lay their little crab babies. 

Whenever I go out to Laguna Beach Resort for lunch, I get to be a part of the feeding of the aquatic and wild life around the resort. This chain eel was practically coming out of the water to catch the leftover meat we were feeding him. 

This ancient looking iguana is part of the regular feeding out at Laguna Beach Resort. As you walk around with the bowl of food for them, they appear out of nowhere. They know when it's feeding time. He is just one of 6 or 7 that I saw.

Just wanted to post some images of what I see on a daily basis that reminds me God is so creative! I have many stories about catching geckos in my room and releasing them back to their babies outside the door and having a designated flip-flop for killing cockroaches in our room but I will save those for another post. I am grateful that my God is creative and I get to experience his beauty everyday. It's all a matter of perspective!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Convicted to love better

This morning as I was sitting in my bed reading "The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne, I am convicted that there is a deeper level for me to love better by giving more. One of the quotes on his wall states: The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away. I quickly thought of the precious things that I hold dear to me here in Utila. The material things that I am always aware of. The luxuries I had once afforded but now recognize  them somewhat insignificant.

As I sat there pondering my level of giving with the little I have here, I reflected back on a situation this past week. I was at Rio Coco Beans Cafe helping the workers put Formica down and doing some odds and ends stuff around the shop when a little boy, Alejandro came over and started helping me weed the garden. I had met him a few days earlier when he appeared out of nowhere to help Jeanne and I blow up some flotation devices before we went for a swim. Here he was again and looking to help. We couldn't communicate much since my Spanish is in progress and he only knows a few English words. As the day carried on, I kept thinking that I needed to watch my stuff because maybe he would steal something. One of the workers told me that the boy must see something he wants because he was hanging out there so long. He also mentioned to me that the boy's father was one of the biggest thieves on the island. Of course, my mind then set a guard up against this little boy and after letting fear come in I soon asked him to leave the property. 

I think I failed that love test but I hope I get many more to pass. My level of love and ability to give was challenged in a different way this week and I am grateful that I can see where I need to change. I don't want to be a person who is learning to protect myself more and more but a person who learns how to give of myself more and more, no matter the cost. That is what Jesus did! I may be the only person in Alejandro's life right now that is fighting for his life...I don't want to miss out on that!