Lately I have been perplexed about my heavenly Father's love. Why would He care about me, a little speck in the entire universe? Why would He want to love me and hear my thoughts, joys, cries, frustrations, passions,...why? It's unexplainable actually. We will never comprehend His love for us because we really don't deserve it. It's simply because He wants to and delights in loving us. That is such a heavy thought, but I can't think too hard about it. He just asks me to believe Him at His word. It's like this little girl with her dad in the picture. She has no concerns in the world because she is standing with her dad. She is completely free to be herself becasue she is 100% certain that her dad loves her and will take care of all her needs, wants, and desires. I am learning to be child-like and become simple again. It's easy for the things of this world to come cloud our view of Abba. He doesn't make things complicated, we do. Matthew 11:30 says, For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne (Amplified). The words described here hit me in a new way today because I realize that sometimes I allow the concerns of the world, or what others think of me, or the tension of living in this earthly life, weigh me down. This verse puts all of those tensions into perspective. I need this perspective continuosly. May we truly become like children who know that their Daddy is going to take care of everything and He delights in them. He's crazy about us! Just believe it...don't analyze it or diminish it by reeling through all that you aren't or want to be. He sings over us just as we are...because He wants to, not because we deserve it. I am rejoicing today for that simple revelation from my Daddy.
Ohhh this is so true. Embrasing this give contentment and comfort in our walk, because it is what really makes Him Dad.