Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prayer: absurd or vital

Oswald Chambers writes on October 16th “In the natural realm, prayer is not natural but absurd. We have to realize that prayer is foolish from the commonsense point of view.” 

I used to ponder and feel a bit hopeless when I would hear people in my church circle say that God answers prayers.  I theoretically believed that and at times would see a prayer answered of mine or someone I knew, but I had a sense of hopelessness when I thought about the miracles of people’s lives in the Bible and compared it to mine. Often when I would read the stories of the Bible and contemplate how the people lived and yet saw their prayers answered, I wondered why I was expecting to see God answer prayers of mine when I had so much in material possessions. How can I see God answer prayers when I am working so hard to have a comfortable life? Why would He want to answer prayers of mine that would just make my life more comfortable and produce less of a life of faith in me? If I’m not praying prayers aligned to His will then I can easily get discouraged that I don’t see my prayers answered and thus I don’t think God cares about answering my prayers.  My entire perspective of Him changes as I get focused on unanswered prayers.

The more I ponder who God is, I am evermore convinced that He wants to hear every detail of our lives. Put yourself in His position for a moment. Imagine you have created a human being, from dirt.  You could create anything you wanted and you chose to create an entire race of little people. Why would you do that? You must have had something wonderful in store for them if you would take something so basic as dirt and make something so intricate and beautiful as a human being.  If you put all your heart into creating such a magnificent being, you would surely want to have a relationship with them. And I don’t just mean put them on a planet and hope they do okay. After creating such a being you would want to make sure they know how beautiful and lovable they are. You would want them to talk to you and cry with you and laugh with you. You would want them to ask you for anything.

I remember a few months ago telling a dear friend that I was praying for her.  She sighed and said that she would need more than that to relieve the stress she was under. That won’t stop me from praying for her. I will pray all the more for her and that her revelation of God changes. Another conversation I had lately I mentioned how I was praying for something in my life. The person responded, “Don’t bring the Lord into this, you just need to…”. Of course, the easier route would be for me to take my life back in my hands and “do” whatever I need to do to make things more comfortable, but how on earth can I truly see God working if I do everything myself and do it the way someone else thinks I should do it. Well, that is fine if others choose not to involve our Creator into the very details that He desires to be a part of, but I will ever more fervently talk to my Creator.  I know He cares about the littlest to the biggest facets of my life and it is not a copout to say I am praying about the seemingly insignificant decisions of my life. I mean what I say and I depend on that being the most important conversation I have in my life. God hears my stuff first! And I wait for Him to show me what to do and where to go. I live a life of faith and I will not put my trust in man.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Free to be me

Daily life here on the island can be "normal" just like living back in my comfortable surroundings in the States. "Normal" living tends to creep up on you no matter where you live or what your surroundings are like. The first few months living here were exciting because it is a new place, new culture, new people and new challenges. I call it the "honeymoon" stage of starting something new. Then over time the "normalcy" of daily life tries to yank you into living without a purpose.  One of the symptoms of "normal" living is you forget to express gratefulness. A hopeless and ungrateful attitude tends to slide in and if you don't nip it in the butt right away then the full-blown way of "normal" living sets in. So, I sensed it sneaking up on me. I was reminded of my weapons of fighting this draining way of living and I immediately began expressing gratefulness to God for the smallest detail of my life to the weightiest detail. I also began serving people around me. There is no greater joy than to be completely free to be me. One of the ways I can do that is if my perspective of every day life is centered on God. God has blessed me in so many ways and I get to be a conduit of sharing those blessings with anyone that comes my way. So, I set out to do just that.

I swept up some water that flooded our coffee shop a bit. I was weeding in our garden while I fought off sand-flies. Later I got to comfort some dear friends by praying for their youngest daughter who is in a hospital in another country. I made lunch for Jeanne and I. I did laundry by hand on a washboard in the bathtub. I filled our water jugs. I started organizing another friends business files. I typed some emails to friends. I made some coffee for a few peeps who needed a kick in the afternoon. I paid some bills. I hit a dog on my golf-cart (he was totally fine, just nipped him...someone scared him right into my cart). I hugged a friend. I told a hard working girl here that she looked beautiful. I explained to a man on a motorbike that I wouldn't be his girl because I will only be the girl of my husband (wherever he is). I fed some iguanas. I turned off my A/C so I could hear the rain pounding on my roof.

I went about my day looking for ways to be me and bring joy to whoever came across my path. I went about my day being content in the fact that I am 100% cared for by God. He is looking out for every detail of my life so that I can be free to me.

Are you free to be you? What things are weighing on you that you need to leave in God's hands? He is listening to every word we share with Him. He wants us to be free to be who He has created us to be. May this sweet picture of my niece be a picture etched in your mind today that there is no joy like being free to be ourselves.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

His creation is everywhere

No matter where we go in this world we will undoubtedly find God's creation. The question is whether or not we can see it as His creation or sometimes do we get bugged by it. I am living on this little island in the Caribbean and the sites and surroundings are absolutely beautiful. I could post all the beautiful pictures of the beaches, palms, boats, etc. Or I could mix it up a bit and post some pictures of the rest of His creation here which some people might not be able to handle living with. 

Leftside: These banana spiders are everywhere. They usually reside a tad bit higher than the normal human height and they love to be near, you guessed it, banana trees. Up close, they are a magnificent display of His creation. 

Rightside: This little iguana strolls through our yard and he is one of three that we feed our compost to. I caught him on the hibiscus plant outside the boathouse. If we don't feed the iguanas then they will eat all the beautiful greenery. 

Several times a week I will take a golf-cart ride up to the airport with Edith and Jeanne. This particular night we encountered lots of pregnant crabs making their way across the runway. If you look closely, the pack of brown between her pinchers are thousands of little crab eggs. She, along with all the other pregnant mama's are going to lay their little crab babies. 

Whenever I go out to Laguna Beach Resort for lunch, I get to be a part of the feeding of the aquatic and wild life around the resort. This chain eel was practically coming out of the water to catch the leftover meat we were feeding him. 

This ancient looking iguana is part of the regular feeding out at Laguna Beach Resort. As you walk around with the bowl of food for them, they appear out of nowhere. They know when it's feeding time. He is just one of 6 or 7 that I saw.

Just wanted to post some images of what I see on a daily basis that reminds me God is so creative! I have many stories about catching geckos in my room and releasing them back to their babies outside the door and having a designated flip-flop for killing cockroaches in our room but I will save those for another post. I am grateful that my God is creative and I get to experience his beauty everyday. It's all a matter of perspective!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Convicted to love better

This morning as I was sitting in my bed reading "The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne, I am convicted that there is a deeper level for me to love better by giving more. One of the quotes on his wall states: The best thing to do with the best things in life is to give them away. I quickly thought of the precious things that I hold dear to me here in Utila. The material things that I am always aware of. The luxuries I had once afforded but now recognize  them somewhat insignificant.

As I sat there pondering my level of giving with the little I have here, I reflected back on a situation this past week. I was at Rio Coco Beans Cafe helping the workers put Formica down and doing some odds and ends stuff around the shop when a little boy, Alejandro came over and started helping me weed the garden. I had met him a few days earlier when he appeared out of nowhere to help Jeanne and I blow up some flotation devices before we went for a swim. Here he was again and looking to help. We couldn't communicate much since my Spanish is in progress and he only knows a few English words. As the day carried on, I kept thinking that I needed to watch my stuff because maybe he would steal something. One of the workers told me that the boy must see something he wants because he was hanging out there so long. He also mentioned to me that the boy's father was one of the biggest thieves on the island. Of course, my mind then set a guard up against this little boy and after letting fear come in I soon asked him to leave the property. 

I think I failed that love test but I hope I get many more to pass. My level of love and ability to give was challenged in a different way this week and I am grateful that I can see where I need to change. I don't want to be a person who is learning to protect myself more and more but a person who learns how to give of myself more and more, no matter the cost. That is what Jesus did! I may be the only person in Alejandro's life right now that is fighting for his life...I don't want to miss out on that!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Gratefulness is invigorating

Laguna Beach Resort

One of the moment by moment things I grow from here is gratefulness. The potential of humans to endure through hardship, with or without God, is quite phenomenal! Having left my comforts in the US and experiencing new comforts here on an island is indeed a great lesson in gratefulness. I must say that the US has so many comforts that would be luxuries to a person here on the island. Often times our electricity will go out for a few hours or running water ceases for an extended period of time and it is then that you really see what comes of your attitude. And yet many people live without those two luxuries their entire life.
Chain eel feeding
on chicken bones
This morning I woke up with such a joy in my heart that there is work to do and people to love today. My friend Jeanne and I woke up this morning and had so much gratefulness on our hearts because God really does provide over and above our needs. I am discovering that my wants and needs have immediately changed since coming here. The material possessions I once could so easily afford and thought I couldn't live without, now make me laugh. The less I have in material possession, the more I see God at work providing for my real needs.
Getting a ride back from
Laguna Beach Resort
Yesterday, Jeanne and I were invited by our dear friend Edith to join her at Laguna Beach Resort for lunch. We enjoyed a delicious meal and then took the food scraps and walked around the resort grounds feeding the iguana's and eels in the water. It was a beautiful day and beautiful time of being with friends. Then we walked down main street to Mermaids for a ice cream cone followed by a calm swim in the Caribbean with our friend Susie. We ended the evening by joining Edith at the Methodist Church and it was so delightful to be with the people of God. I couldn't understand everything that was spoken but I am sure I will acquire an ear for the creole-English here in no time!
Today I am overseeing more work being done at Rio Coco Beans Cafe and coordinating the next phase. This week Jeanne and I will go to the ferry dock at 5:45 am and start selling cups of coffee to the backpackers leaving the island. I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

All in a day

The last three days have been so lovely. Nothing major happened and I didn't gain anything in material possessions but I felt His pleasure on my life. I have been working in the coffee shop the last month, getting it ready to open in a month. The last three days I have been able to work by myself and just put my worship music on. No one was seeing what I was doing but I didn't care because I knew that I was working unto God. I felt His pleasure. I was thinking what a difference it is in life when I feel like I am right in the middle of God's will and when I have been just outside His will. Sometimes it's been hard to see the difference and I am sure there will be times when it will be hard again but I love how He encourages His kids in Ephesians 5: 10, "And try to learn in your experience what is pleasing to the Lord." I think each person experiences moments of feeling like they are right where they are supposed to be but is it possible to stay there always. I don't know but what I do know is that I am right where I am supposed to be right now. I hope that every person who knows God will experience that more and more as they try and find out what pleases Him.
One of my last three days consists of waking up between 5:30 and 6 am and making some good coffee then sitting in bed and spending some quality time with God. I make my short walk over to Rio Coco Beans Cafe by 8 am and then communicate in Spanish with Levis, our worker, on what to varnish and how long it has to dry. While he is varnishing, I am sanding and scraping the poles in the coffee shop so that we can put a fresh coat of paint on them. Sometimes people will walk by and see our sign on the street so they come up to the shop and ask if we are open. I explain that we aren't fully open yet but I then bring them into our little "bodega" which is a shed and I make them a cup of French Press. Everyone lingers around and raves about having a good cup of coffee because it is hard to come by on the island. After talking a bit with people and exchanging email or Facebook names I carry on with the many tasks to finish at the shop. During my cleaning, Arnie or Susie, otherwise known as Grandpa and Grandma on the island, will come downstairs and start a chat with me. They are from Ireland and live right above the coffee shop. It is such a delight to visit with them and hear their stories. Yesterday Arnie came downstairs and had me write the biggest "46" on his back so he could display to everyone that he and Susie have been married for 46 years. So delightful!
One last thing since this is a long post...usually every evening Jeanne and I go on a joyride around the island with our new dear friend, Edith. She has been a God-send and a delight to have as a new found friend. Usually we end our joyride on Utila's only little bridge where the breeze blows strong and it is sweet and peaceful.
Okay that's it for now. Everyday is a new day and there are more adventures to have, so there are plenty more stories to write...stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A bit more background of this Utila thing

Jeanne and I
About a year ago I got a call from a dear friend, Olivia and she said that she kept thinking of me as her and her husband and friends were dreaming about starting a coffee shop on the island of Utila. A year ago I had just started a new job and didn't sense it was the right timing for me. However, that little phone call made a deposit into my dreams. Less than a year later I was again talking to Olivia on the phone and she said that I needed to meet her friend Jeanne who also lived in Washington. I said okay, knowing that Olivia had a purpose in connecting me to her. Within a few weeks I had called this stranger, Jeanne and we set up a coffee date. From the moment I sat with Jeanne I knew that this was a women who loved the Lord and was serious about serving Him with her whole heart. We became fast friends and soon realized that God was sending us both to Utila. You have to hear about her story of how God called her, so check out her blog at JeanneInUtila
Bagby family
So Jeanne and I packed our belongings and traveled across the United States to Florida to meet up with the rest of the team. We joined daily life in Vero Beach with Mike, Laura, Mikaela, Lucas, Arielle and Moselle Bagby along with Tony and Olivia Assaf. (Check out the Bagby's projects here.) Jeanne and I spent two months living there with all of them and getting prepared to come to Utila. It has truly been beautiful to have such a dynamic and loving group of people come together to answer the call of God. Everyday is full of laughter, food and hard work. I can't imagine being here with any other team!
Tony and Olivia
I must say that I am so grateful for Olivia's obedience to call me and put a bug in my ear in July 2009. Olivia could have thought about it and never picked up the phone. Of course God could have got my attention another way because He is God, but He chose to do it through my sweet friend Olivia. I am grateful for her faith and her obedience to dream big and think outside the box of normal life. It has been a true delight to be here on Utila with Olivia. Even though we have been friend for over 12 years now, I had no idea that we would be living life together again in the way we are. I realize that God puts people together for seasons and if those seasons end it doesn't mean the relationships are over or not as strong. He can bring people back together to accomplish His purposes whenever He wants and if we are willing. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

What am I doing here?

So, some may wonder why I am in Honduras. Well, to make a long story short I am here because God asked me to come and help start a coffee shop here on the island of Utila, Honduras. Coffee is the friendship drink and what better way to make friends from all over the world and show the love of God then to serve a really good cup of Rio Coco Beans. I have been here on the island for nearly two weeks and I have already met people from Switzerland, Israel, Ireland, Oregon, California, England, Holland, El Salvador and New York. Many people come here to get their dive certification, which is the cheapest and one of the most beautiful spots to dive in all the world. The other day I met four British girls backpacking through Central America and one of them was really sick. I helped get her a golfcart ride to the pharmacist so she could get some medicine. I stayed with her and her other friend while they told the pharmacist daughter what was wrong and the daughter translated it to her Spanish speaking mama, the pharmacist. After she got some medicine for her symptoms I walked with them and tried to get them a taxi. They decided to walk instead and pleaded with me that I didn't need to keep helping them. I had done more than enough. I tell you that it wasn't much that I did but to some girls traveling so far from home it touched them. I am not saying that to pat myself on the back or to gloat of my kindness. I am saying it because that is what most days look like here. There are people far from home in need of some kindness and if you pay attention you can't help but show people the love of Jesus by serving them.
I kind of got off track...Anyway, I am here because God told me to come. I sold almost everything I had and came. As I have started to settle here I realize that I have too much stuff. Even though I came with two suitcases I realize again that what I need and what I want are continuing to be redefined. I am amazed at God's timing in this adventure of my life. I know that I am nothing apart from Him and I simply chose to obey His asking me to come. He could easily have asked many other people if I had said "no". I am humbled to be here and very excited to see what God wants to do.
The picture above is of the coffee bar being built. We had a team of 7 people come from HI and Indiana to be a part of what we are starting. We now have two weeks to get the rest built so that we can start serving some French Press coffee. Once we see that it will be successful then we will get an espresso machine and continue on to the next phase.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A few moments on Utila

Here is a video while walking around the island. Life is totally different here but it works. You would think there would be more accidents here on the island but a friend was saying that there was one yesterday and that was the first in a long time. Last night I had my first ride on a four-wheeler with five adults on it. We had dinner at the Laguna Beach Resort and I sat on the second floor of a dock as a fierce wind storm blew through the island. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

Island time

Life is so different on an island. I have always heard of the phrase "island-time" but it takes on a new meaning when you actually live on one. I have been on an island now for four days and it truly is different time. The days seem to pass much slower and there is a more laid-back atmosphere here. There were many challenging things that took place in getting here but we are here now. Somehow I thought that maybe once I got here the challenges would dissipate because I would be settling in my new home. That wasn't the case at all. New challenges arrive with each new day. Some challenges are relational and some challenges are provisional. Some challenges are comfort and some challenges are smells. Nevertheless, I am resolving these challenges as God's blessings to me as I more quickly see what is really in my heart. He never takes us through a challenge without being faithful to bring new ones. That may sound like He is just waiting around for us to struggle through one challenge so He can pour on the new one, but that can be quite a negative way of seeing life. I think that God allows the hard challenges to come at us so we can grow in every area of our lives. Each person will have different challenges and it is really important not to compare challenges with other people.
Anyway, we have started to build out the coffee shop here on Utila and many people from all over the world have been by our apartment to have a cup of Rio Coco Beans coffee. Almost every person we have had conversations with in the past few days get a big smile on their face when we mention we have some good coffee to serve them. Rio Coco Beans can be ordered online and shipped to anywhere in the world so if you would like to try some gourmet beans I would recommend ordering some today!
There is much to learn in everyday life. It seems that when I am out of my normal comfortable routine of life, there are countless more things to learn. Many comforts of normal living have been taken away but God has provided everything I need for my physical, emotional, financial and spiritual needs. My understanding of needs vs. wants has been radically altered in the last 5 months and I don't think that process is near over.
Enjoy a picture or two of Utila!
If you are facing challenges today remember that they are opportunities for growth in many areas!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Going into the unknown

"I don't know" are the three words that I have used most often lately when explaining to people the road ahead in Honduras. We leave in less than a week and there are still so many unknowns. I suppose that is what it was like for people pioneering in the early days. I suppose that is what it was like for the disciples when they went out two by two to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I suppose that is what it was like for the great inventors of the past. I suppose that is what it's like for every person who steps into the realm of risk and adventure. I may not know what lies ahead but I know that God is in control. When I read of stories in the Old and New Testament or I pick up a Reader's Digest and read of people who have risked everything to do something courageous, I find the simplest comfort. It doesn't answer any questions I may have but I find peace knowing that I am not the first one to try something outside of my comfort zone.
I believe we were made to take risks and step out in faith on a regular basis. If we are not living by faith in our daily lives than we become really dependent on our own abilities and we rarely, truly see who God is and how personal He is to us. I have learned in the past few months that God has great things in store for me but I have to risk my comforts. Comforts like knowing where I will lay my head to rest at night, where I will get money to pay for food, when I will see my family next, getting fresh water to drink and brush my teeth, using double-ply toilet paper, choosing what kind of apple I want to eat, etc.
I am learning as Paul stated in Philippians 4:11 to be "content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am" (AMP).  I am looking forward to loving people in a different part of the world and to adapt to another culture while sharing the gospel of Christ.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday nails

Living in Seattle most of my life, I never saw my nails as much as I do now wearing flip-flops (slippers) everyday. I have never seen this color on my toe nails...but I sure do love it! I love being a woman!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ending meal to a beautiful day

Birthday breakfast at the Broadhursts

Yesterday when I woke up at 5:45 am to go see the sunrise on the first day of my 35th year, I had a quiet moment with God. I was reflecting on how He brings people in and out of our lives for us to bless and be blessed. After seeing the sun wake up with my dear friend Jeanne and a really good latte, my new friends invited us over for birthday breakfast. Not only was there a wonderful spread of food, but I was blessed by their words of encouragement to me. I have only known them a month and our hearts are joined because God orchestrated it!


Birthday morning on the beach

Homemade birthday latte in my cute Cafe Ladro travel mug!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dead but looking good

Saw this little guy outside the apartment a few days ago and he is still there. Looks pretty good for a dead cockroach. I thought to myself, "Good thing I haven't seen those inside the apartment". And wouldn't you know a night later, there is one belly-up in the kitchen.
The only good cockroach is a DEAD cockroach!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Looking for a good home espresso machine?

 A few friends of mine have recently purchased the Astra home machine and it is a unique machine. All parts on the machine can be fixed by the owner and they are all metal parts - no plastic. You can pick up parts from your local Lowe's or Home Depot and if there happens to be a part that they don't carry then contact the manufacturer and they will send it right out. I talked to the owner of the company the other day to find out about a larger commercial machine and I must say that the experience on the phone with him was so pleasant. I asked him if there was a coffee house anywhere near Vero Beach, FL that uses his Mega II or Mega III so I could go test it out. He asked me if he could get back to me within two hours. I said that would be great. Within two hours he called me back with a coffee house within three hours of where I am staying. Looks like it's possibly road trip time!!
Although the website for this company isn't too up-to-date, you should check it out: ASTRA MFR
The home machine is very sleek looking and makes a mean espresso! Especially with Rio Coco Ethiopia Yirgacheffe beans.
Just set up my mobile blogger!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

We make our plans, but He has another idea

Click on the title link and watch this short 2.5 minute movie clip.
This movie clip is so fitting to where so many kids of God are in their lives. We have attained all the material possessions that we are "supposed" to have. We have worked hard at getting comfortable lives and then God comes along and asks us to participate in something that will shake our comfortability. He comes to invite us to lay aside what we thought was going to make us happy and He asks us to follow Him. Never is our decision without contemplation and a choosing because He gave us a will. He is such a gentlemen that He asks and then waits for our response.
Up until about 2 years ago, I was listening to many opinions regarding what my life was supposed to look like. You have the pressure of the American dream facing you wherever you go. People buying nicer cars, bigger houses, going on more exotic vacations, striving to make more money, etc. It is everywhere you turn and it can subtly thrust it's views on you and pretty soon you are exhausting yourself trying to keep up with your neighbor. I began hearing a quiet voice in me that drowned the noise of everything else, and I chose to follow it. It led me to end my nice paying comfortable job and politely decline some close friends' advice to stay in what I would call "the system". The only movie that I can best use to describe the "system" is The Matrix. The "matrix" to me is when we are so consumed with the happenings of everyday life that we can't hear God whisper anymore. We can't hear Him when He asks us to sell all and follow Him. We have a difficult time hearing Him when He is asking us to trust Him by leaving our comfort zones. We have a hard time trusting that His ways are truly higher than our ways and our surrender is going to bring the real life...the most authentic life...the life we were meant to live.
The past several weeks have been so amazing to me. I have left many things behind but I am certain that I am doing what He has called me to do. I know it more and more everyday when I have increased fruits of the spirit.
I will have to write more later...when it isn't 11 pm at night.
I must say one more thing before I close my eyes and close this day...My God is so wonderful. This evening I was sitting with a dear friend and it occurred to me that many of the fears that rolled around in my head, just a few short months ago are no longer there. He alone deserves the glory for that!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

embarking on a new adventure

This blog will come alive again. There is a season for everything and it is now a time to write publicly of the adventure I am embarking on. Hopefully my writings will serve to show how good God is. I am overcome with daily moments of sensing His pleasure and the peace that comes from fully trusting Him, which means talking to Him every moment.
I am headed to FL to meet up with a Godly group of people who have a heart to love people and trust God to open doors that would have otherwise stayed shut. We will meet in FL for a short time before heading to Utila, Honduras to open a coffee shop. The vision was given to a man and he took the time to pray over it, talk it through with his family and engage others in the vision. All of this was happening and I had no idea of it, until my phone rang a year ago and a stranger was on the other end. He explained that my name kept coming up regarding this vision because I have a love for people and I have had experience in the coffee business. At the time of his call, I had just began a new job and couldn't see how it would be possible. However, I tucked my hope away and the following 10 months unfolded His plan. Man can make their plans, but God orders our steps. So, to make a long story short for sake of time, I am part of a team going to Utila to start a coffee shop. The purpose of the vision is to love people and give them a place to hang out on the island.
God is answering my heart's desires from many years ago. Let this blog speak to you right where you are in your life. I am not writing to talk about how great my life is, but to testify of how good God is and how He loves us...if we can see and receive it! May these readings give you hope and make you smile!
Welcome to my adventure!